Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sign up without a dance partner?
Can someone substitute?
I have signed up, does my partner have to register separately?
What if I do not speak Dutch?
Is there still room in the course that I want to do?
Can I join a trial lesson?
Which courses do you offer?
I have danced somewhere else for years, do I have to start in course 1?
On which days are the lessons?
What time do the classes start?
Where are the lessons?
How much does it cost?
Can I give lessons as a present?
What is the bank account number (IBAN)?
I will miss some lessons, can I get a discount or catch up on the lessons?
How do I update my contact details?
How do I cancel my membership?
How do you handle my privacy?
Do I have to wear special clothes for dance lessons?
How old do you have to be to take lessons?
My question is not on the list!

Can I sign up without a dance partner?

Yes, you can sign up without a partner. But you cannot dance without a partner… you really need a dance partner to learn to rock ‘n’ roll. You will dance in pairs: a lead (traditionally but not necessarily the man) and a follow (often a woman). As with most dancing classes, most of the time more women sign up than men, but it can be the other way around as well.

We understand that it is not always easy to find a dance partner. But you can always join the first lesson to have a look. You might find someone else looking for a dance partner.

There are basically two solutions as we see it (and if you have more please let us know!):
Solution 1:
Do find a man (or woman) somewhere. They too usually find rock ‘n’ roll fantastic to dance to. For example, try someone in your circle of friends or during the first lesson. Or post it on Facebook and see if one of your friends is up for it!
Solution 2:
Nothing says that two women (or men) cannot dance with each other; for the introduction (course 1) in particular that works very well.

You are responsible for finding a partner, but the club can sometimes help you out. If you sign up without a partner, it is always a good idea to mention that you do not yet have a partner.

Can someone substitute?

We sometimes get asked whether someone can substitute, for example an experienced dancer. First, anyone who substitutes must pay the course fee (unless it’s for one or two lessons only) and be a Gel member.
A substitute will work if your regular partner is absent once or a few times, but varying persons for an entire course do not.

I have signed up, does my partner have to register separately?

Yes, your partner also has to sign up. We want to know who is going to be in the course, and so we ask everyone to register. You can pay for both partners, as long as you make it clear on the payment who the money is for.

What if I do not speak Dutch?

Not a problem! But be prepared: courses will be taught in Dutch. You can go a long way by following the example of the teachers and other students, and there will be one-on-one opportunities to ask questions in English.

Is there still room in the course that I want to do?

If a course is fully booked, you cannot register any more. Or you get a response right after you did.

The beginner’s course usually fills up quickly. So be sure to register promptly! For the other courses, it is also a good idea to sign up (see registration) on time.

Can I join a trial lesson?

The first class of the beginner’s course is typically a trial lesson. Sign up at the registration page. You can arrange your registration for the trial lesson there.

Which courses do you offer?

Check our classes overview page.

I have danced somewhere else for years, do I have to start in course 1?

That is always a difficult question! If are already an experienced dancer than there is a pretty good chance that you will quickly pick up our tricks. But course 1 lays the groundwork for all other courses including arm tension and the “basispas” (base step), and introduces our “Gel style”.

The best advice is to start with course 1. If it is too easy you can arrange with the instructors to change to course 2.

On which days are the lessons? What time do the lessons start?

The lessons are every Tuesday starting at 20.00, with social dancing starting at 21.00. Course 1 is from 20.00 to 21.00 usually. Sometimes one of the other courses is from 21.00 to 22.00; this is announced in advance. The dance evening finishes around 23.00. Take a look at our calendar for days and times of the upcoming period.

Where are the lessons?

At De Kompaszaal: KNSM-Laan 311, 1019LE Amsterdam.

How much does it cost?

Check the fees on our costs page.

Can I give dancing lessons as a present?

Of course! Just contact us and we’ll arrange the payment and sign up ( The membership will be in the name of the lucky receiver.

What is the bank account number (IBAN)?

Our IBAN (bank account number) is: NL98INGB0002856652, in the name of Gel.

Other numbers (aside):
KvK: 40534931
RSIN: 816611440

I will miss some lessons, can I get a discount or catch up on the lessons?

We give lessons every week of the 10 weeks of the course, so it is not possible to catch up. Every trick is repeated often, so you will not miss much from a (short) absence. It is also possible to practice everything during the open dancing; others at the open dancing often like to help if you do not remember exactly how a trick goes.

We do not give a discount for missed lessons, nor any refund of tuition fees.

How do I update my contact details?

If you move house or have a new phone number or e-mail address, you can update this at the Mijn Gel website. You can also change or cancel your direct debit details, or view your invoices. But you can also send us an email.

How do I cancel my membership?

Club membership is renewed every year until you cancel it. If you want to cancel, send an e-mail to Please send this email a month before the end of your annual membership.

You membership depends on the time that you registered: January to December, April to March, or September to August.

How do you handle my privacy?

We’re not after your personal data, we want you to join us on the dancefloor. The only reason we ask for information is to facilitate this. We wrote this (and some more) down in our privacy statement (it’s in Dutch). Should any questions remain or if you run into any trouble:

Do I have to wear special clothes for dance lessons?

No. Our advice is straightforward: wear comfortable clothing and sneakers (the floor at Kompaszaal can be smooth) or shoes with smooth soles.

Are you coming to a Gel party? Then clothes in style are very much appreciated!

How old do you have to be to take lessons?

According to the statutes you can be a member from 18. In some cases the minimum age can be waived after consultation. Please contact us about this.

There is no maximum age and some of our members are well within their 80s.

My question is not on the list!

If you cannot find your answer here you can always look at the contact page and send your question.